Production in Portugal

Our FOXC's are lovingly handcrafted in Portugal and Germany. I was there several times and looked at the working conditions there. I know our productions.

Foxc production Portugal These sisters organize our productions in Portugal. And yes, they are around 70 years old and have been in business for over 45 years. They still enjoy their work. I think it's very admirable. 🧡

Our first products have now arrived in Germany and are being shipped to you.

But first I would like to share a few insights with you.

Like all phases of FOXC, the production phase in Portugal is a very intensive one.
Why is that?! I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's because you love the dog bag more than I thought.
Since then I have tested, purchased, processed, replaced and shipped quantities of raw materials, even though I have never done this before. Yes, I can sew and I also completed my high school diploma in fashion in 2008 at the School for Fashion and Clothing in Frankfurt. But I wasn't prepared for that. I have developed my own methods to achieve my goals, even if you don't do it that way! For me at the moment I just need to get from A to B as quickly as possible in order to achieve my goals. For parts that I have absolutely never done before, I brought in freelancers to help me, for example, making the tech packs (technical instructions for production). Once I had the foundation, I moved on to save costs. Below you can see my overview of the materials.
Pragmatically unconventional but it worked :) and that's the main thing.

more text to follow... I have to pack first. 🎄🧡🦊

Production Foxc

The towline holder is designed for easy handling of towlines.